Thursday, July 21, 2011

Roof Trusses up and Frames Delivered!

We have a roof! Now this is getting extra exciting! It's actually starting to look like a house!
Lots of bracing boards have been put on around the house. The frames and trusses took around 3 days to put up!

These are our gutters and faciers. These are a charcol colour which look great starting to see some of our choices coming through!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Frames are finally up after a few weeks of nothing. Generator had to be used as Tru Energy had a mix up with processing our power so it still hasn't been turned on.

This is a shot of the large window in the main bedroom and two smaller windows in the protruding wall.

All the walls except the garage!

Frames all layed out.

All of the frames up you can even walk in the door!

Cant wait for the next update the windows and roof trusses!!!